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Would you like to reach out to us? Please note that the majority of the EIVA crew is out of the office Thursday 9 May. Our offices will open again Friday 10 May, at which time we will be back at the wheel and ready to handle messages, queries and more. For support issues, our help desk team is of course as always available 24/7 via support@eiva.com.



It is no easy feat to make a startup succeed. It is even harder to do so in the maritime industry, which is unique in terms of scope, required resources and demanded skillset, but also possibilities.

To give startups a boost when and where it matters, we offer free NaviSuite licence subscriptions for a year.

Startups are the breeding ground for innovation, with potential to fuel and steer the maritime industry towards exciting future directions. By giving startups access to high-end, cutting edge software technology that can be used in virtually any offshore and shallow water application, we wish to aid in making your endeavours worthwhile by assisting your business’ growth within the critical startup phase.

Licence benefits

  • Immediate access to new releases via our download site
  • Get help 24/7 any day from the NaviSuite support team through our software maintenance and support (SMS) programme
  • Learn the NaviSuite ropes through our eLearning site, where you have access to a number of training modules covering various features and applications of the NaviSuite programmes
  • Influence our future product development through our annual user demo days, by providing feedback via our support ticket system or by reaching out to discuss specific development requests

What is included?

Please note that in order to qualify for this offer, your company must be a survey firm and must have been founded less than two years ago.

The NaviSuite Startup Licence helped us to demonstrate the capabilities of our USV and control system, providing our customers with high quality data acquired and processed with EIVA's NaviSuite software. It was a real boost for the development of our processes and operations!

Rebeca Elian, TideWise head of growth

Extension beyond the 12 months

If you would like to extend your licence, it is naturally possible to do so, either by purchasing a permanent licence or one of our many subscriptions which are available for as many days or years as you choose.

Contact us to hear more

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